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Responsive AJAX-ZOOM mousehover zoom jQuery extension with optional 360° spins or multilevel 3D and verical gallery to the left

Gellery loading...
Mouseover Zoom loading...

Vertical left sided gallery

Please find the documentation and other information about this responsive mouseover zoom in example32_responsive.php

In the source code of this example you will also find the commented out HTML markup ("AJAX-ZOOM mouseover block gallery right") for placing the gallery to the right. If you replace with this markup, then the only option which basically needs to be suited is "adjustX".

This will change "ajaxZoomOpenMode" option
Open AJAX-ZOOM at fullscreen mode
Open AJAX-ZOOM in responsive "Fancybox"
Open AJAX-ZOOM in regular "Fancybox"
Open AJAX-ZOOM in "Colorbox"
Enable monitor size fullscreen:
- enable - disable
360°/3D "preview" mode:
- enable - disable
Disable scroll animation:
- enable - disable
Tint filter:
Mouseover Zoom:
- enabled - disabled
Prev, next arrows:
- enabled - disabled

Load different images / 360° sets

360 +
only one 360 two 360
or more
only one image no 360
no images

About this responsive mousehover zoom

Please find the documentation and other information about this responsive mouseover zoom in example32_responsive.php