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Responsive AJAX-ZOOM mousehover zoom jQuery extension Ver. 4.1.2 [2015-10-06] with optional 360° spins or multilevel 3D

Mouseover Zoom loading...
Gellery loading...

Alternative AJAX-ZOOM (high resolution zoom view on click) opening methods

Despite looking similar to other mouseover zoom scripts this AJAX-ZOOM mousehover extension offers more than it lookes like at first. When the user clicks on the lens AJAX-ZOOM with real high resolution tiled view opens at several modes, try it:

This will change "ajaxZoomOpenMode" option
Open AJAX-ZOOM at fullscreen mode
Open AJAX-ZOOM in responsive "Fancybox"
Open AJAX-ZOOM in regular "Fancybox"
Open AJAX-ZOOM in "Colorbox"
Enable monitor size fullscreen:
- enable - disable
360°/3D "preview" mode:
- enable - disable
Disable scroll animation:
- enable - disable
Tint filter:
Mouseover Zoom:
- enabled - disabled
Prev, next arrows:
- enabled - disabled

Load different images / 360° set and other API

360 +
only one 360 two 360
or more
only one image no 360
no images

A common situation is that the images in mouseover zoom have to be changed, e.g. depending on users color selection of the article. With jQuery.mouseOverZoomInit.replaceImages you can easily change images and / or 360° objects... Click here to see the code which is executed when you click on the second colored circle above. The last cirle does not have any images or 360. Click on it to see what happens.


With jQuery.mouseOverZoomInit.prev and jQuery.mouseOverZoomInit.next images and 360 can be switched one after each other...

E-Commerce modules

The logotypes below are used for illustration purposes only. AJAX-ZOOM is not affiliated or in partnership with any of the ecommerce software companies represented below. The AJAX-ZOOM extensions / modules / plugins are not official extensions of these companies.

Features (short list)

  • Responsive mouseover area and flyout window
  • Adjustable for fixed or flexible image proportions
  • Permanent or automatic inner zoom depending on resolution
  • Works great on touch-enabled devices
  • Optional 360°/3D support with (pinch) zoom and full screen view
  • Optional responsive thumbnail slider integration
  • Responsive modal or full screen views on click with AJAX-ZOOM
  • Fast loading high resolution images
  • No need to pre-generate any thumbnails
  • Integrated pinterest button
  • 100+ other options
  • Simple markup, easy integration, localizable
  • All components mainly adjustable over one JavaScript (jQuery) "controller"
  • API for developers of all skill levels
  • Perfect for product presentations and e-commerce
  • Continuous development and improvements, technical support
6.0+ 2.0+ 2.0+ 1.0+ 9.5+ 2.0+ 4.0+ Pinch, tap zoom, swipe

About this fully responsive mousehover zoom

Prior to Ver. 4.0 of this AJAX-ZOOM mousehover zoom extension it was responsive for the flyout window only. The actual "preview image" was not really responsive. In this new extension everything is absolutely responsive now. A positive side effect caused by the added responsiveness is that a single image can be used as "preview image" - the image which is hovered and the big "flyout image". But this is optional and not necessarily needed.

It has been tested in various Browsers including IE7. If you discover any bugs please do not hesitate to report. We will fix them with highest priority.

About 360°/3D rotate

The integrated 360°/3D object spin support is optional! You do not need to have a 360° for every product. However you can put more than one 360° into the gallery and configure it to either open at place of the mousehover zoom or open at various modes directly. You can try it by changing 360°/3D "preview" mode above.

About Touch Slide

In Ver. 4.1 of this extension there is a new feature for "touch slide" images in order to switch between them. It can be enabled for all devices by setting "noMouseOverZoom" option to true. For touch enabled devices this feature is instantly enabled on default when the image space takes almost the whole width of the window. This is adjustable over "touchScroll" option which is set to 0.8 on default. Thus if you always want to enable this "touch slide" feature but only for touch devices, then you should set "touchScroll" option to 0.

About Gallery / Thumbnail Slider

The sliding thumbnail gallery below the mousehover image is optional. It can be replaced or disabled so you have only thumbs floating somewhere else. On default we use jQuery.axZmThumbSlider which is one of AJAX-ZOOM extensions. It is highly configurable, skinable, responsive and touch friendly. You can also configure it to be displayed vertically and placed to the side of mouseover zoom container.

About Fancybox

The version packaged with AJAX-ZOOM is 1.3.4. It was modified to work with AJAX-ZOOM. However everything will also work with Fancybox 2.x which is available separately.

About AJAX-ZOOM: what makes the difference exactly?

On default only the high resolution "master images" (source images) need to be defined, see "images" object / array in the example code below. This "images" object is basically the only thing which needs to be replaced dynamically by your application.

All thumbnails and flyout view images are instantly generated by AJAX-ZOOM "image server" which is located at your place (server). The size of the flyout image can be set to e.g. 1200x1200px, which are at most 1.44 Mio. pixels. For a 21 megapixels master image made by e.g. Canon EOS 5D these are around 5-7% of the actual resolution and size.

Alternatively to AJAX-ZOOM PHP based "image server" the paths to these flyout "preview" images can be hardset (see "images" option below) to point to some static (already scaled) images.

By clicking on the lens your users can explore the details of the entire big image with AJAX-ZOOM, which utilizes image tiles technology (simmilar to google maps where the view "gets sharp" when you zoom in), so the big master image never loads into browsers cache; it can be even protected from direct access over http e.g. with .htaccess - (simply put .htaccess file with this code and nothing else into the top directory with your master images: deny from all).

Same as with thumbnails all image tiles can be generated instantly on-the-fly or pregenerated with AJAX-ZOOM special batch tool...

Details about responsiveness

The width of the container in the left column of this responsive page layout is set to 32% of the window width. Consequently the child elements in the left column are 100% width and do change their width instantly depending on window width. So does AJAX-ZOOM mouseover zoom extension.

But what about the height of this mouseover zoom? It can be set to a fixed pixel value; if your responsive layout takes into account the height it can also be set to some variable value; but most likely you would just want to preserve a certain proportion of the height depending on width. In this case just set the new "heightRatio" option e.g. to 1.0 and the height of mouseover will be instantly adjusted making the mouseover square. If your images are mostly portrait orientated (common for fashion retailers), then you could set "heightRatio" value to e.g. 1.5; setting "heightRatio" to 'auto' will set the proportion instantly to the proportion of the actual image. Be aware though that if proportion of the images in the gallery is different the height will change on image switching, which might be unwanted behavior.

Setting "heightRatio" option may result in that the height of the mouseover zoom is bigger than window height and the image is not fully visible. To prevent this you can limit the calculated height with the "maxSizePrc" option. The value of 1.0 would limit the height to 100% of window height; a value of 0.8 to 80% of window height; you can also define two values, e.g. '1.0|-120' which would be window height minus 120px.

This responsive example page layout "collapses" the three column layout when the width of the browser window is less than a certain amount of pixels. This is done over CSS "media queries" and max-width condition which is common in modern templates, e.g. @media only screen and (max-width: 960px){...} With the new options called "heightMaxWidthRatio" and "widthMaxHeightRatio" you can take account of these changes and adjust e.g. "heightRatio" depending on max-width, e.g. heightMaxWidthRatio: ["960|0.8", "700|0.7"]. The above basically means that below 960px of window width the "heightRatio" option turns into 0.8 and below 700px "heightRatio" turns into 0.7;

The "flyout" window with bigger image is set to cover the middle column div (the text over gray background) - "zoomWidth" and "zoomHeight" options of "mouseOverZoomParam" are set to the selector '#middleSideContent' which is simply the id of the middle column. In case the browsers window is less than 960px the design of this example page changes in the way that the width of mouse over image is 100%; consequently there is no room for the flyout window, so this mousehover changes the "position" option of "mouseOverZoomParam" from 'right' to 'inside' (inner zoom).

Notes: this responsive page layout is not well elaborated and is only meant to show how the new responsiveness of AJAX-ZOOM mouseover zoom extension does work. Resize the browser window to see the effect.

JavaScript & CSS files in Head

Please note that depending on configuration not all of these js and css files are needed! See "Dependencies" below;
<!-- jQuery core, needed if not already present! -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- AJAX-ZOOM core, needed! -->
<link href="../axZm/axZm.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/jquery.axZm.js"></script>

<!-- Include mousewheel script, optional -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/extensions/axZmThumbSlider/lib/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script>

<!-- Include thumbSlider JS & CSS, optional -->
<link href="../axZm/extensions/axZmThumbSlider/skins/default/jquery.axZm.thumbSlider.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/extensions/axZmThumbSlider/lib/jquery.axZm.thumbSlider.js"></script>

<!-- Preloading spinner, optional -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/plugins/spin/spin.min.js"></script>

<!-- AJAX-ZOOM mouse over zoom extension, needed! -->
<link href="../axZm/extensions/axZmMouseOverZoom/jquery.axZm.mouseOverZoom.4.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/extensions/axZmMouseOverZoom/jquery.axZm.mouseOverZoom.4.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/extensions/axZmMouseOverZoom/jquery.axZm.mouseOverZoomInit.4.js"></script>

<!--  Fancybox lightbox javascript, please note: it has been slightly modified for AJAX-ZOOM, only needed if ajaxZoomOpenMode below is set to "fancyboxFullscreen" or "fancybox", optional -->
<link href="../axZm/plugins/demo/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/plugins/demo/jquery.fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js"></script>

<!--  AJAX-ZOOM extension to load AJAX-ZOOM into maximized fancybox, requires jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css and jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.js, optional -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/extensions/jquery.axZm.openAjaxZoomInFancyBox.js"></script>

<!-- Colorbox plugin, only needed if ajaxZoomOpenMode below is set to "colorbox", optional -->
<link href="../axZm/plugins/demo/colorbox/example2/colorbox.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/plugins/demo/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script>

<!-- Please call pinit.js only once per page -->
<script data-pin-build="parsePinBtns" type="text/javascript" src="//assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js"></script>

<!-- IE < 9 @media query support -->
<script src="../axZm/plugins/css3-mediaqueries.min.js"></script>

<style type="text/css">
		AJAX-ZOOM mouseover block 

	/* wrapper for all html */
		position: relative; 
		width: 100%;

		position: relative; 
		background-color: #FFFFFF; 
		border: #AAA 1px solid;

		position: relative; 
		margin-top: 20px; 
		height: 76px; 
		width: 100%; 
		display: none;

HTML markup

<!-- AJAX-ZOOM mouseover block  -->
<div id="az_mouseOverZoomParent">
	<!-- Container for mouse over image -->
	<div id="az_mouseOverZoomContainer">
		Mouseover Zoom loading...
	<!-- gallery with thumbs (will be filled with thumbs by javascript) -->
	<div id="az_mouseOverZoomGallery">
		Gellery loading...
<!-- AJAX-ZOOM mouseover block END -->


You do not need all the options below to be listed as many are set to their default values.



Several different plugins are used in this mouseover zoom tool. Depending on the configuration not all of them are needed but they all are included in the download package. The options below refer to jQuery.mouseOverZoomInit(options) which acts like a proxy to the other plugins.

Needed plugins: Optional plugins to open AJAX-ZOOM: Optional plugins:


axZmPath'auto' Path to AJAX-ZOOM, e.g. '/zoomTest/axZm/'; 'auto' might not always work so if you experience any difficulties please set the path manually as first.
divID''DIV (container) ID for mouseover zoom
galleryDivID''DIV (container) id of the gallery, set to false to disable gallery
langfunctionSpecify ISO language code, e.g. 'en', default is taken from the users browser
hideGalleryOneImagetrueInstantly hide gallery if there is only one image or one 360/3D
hideGalleryAddClass'axZm_mouseOverNoMargin' Ver. 4.1.1+ This option is mainly for the layout with vertical gallery which is located next (left or right) to mouseover area. The most solid css layout for vertical gallery is when "divID" is wrapped by a div which has a left or right margin. This margin corresponds to vertical gallery width + some space inbetween. So if "hideGalleryOneImage" option is activated and there is only one image, only one 360 or no images / 360's at all, then the container represented by "galleryDivID" option is hidden and there is more space which can be filled. To do that we simply add a css class with margin 0 to the parent of "divID" overriding the left or right margin which is not needed for the gallery. You can change the "hideGalleryAddClass" to your own class name or set it to false to prevent this action.
galleryHoverfalse Use mouseenter (mouseover) for switching between images. You can specify an integer which will represent the time in ms to wait for switching after the mouse enters the thumb; true defaults to 200
galleryAxZmThumbSlidertrueUse $.axZmThumbSlider on gallery thumbnails or not
galleryAxZmThumbSliderParam{} $.axZmThumbSlider parameters if "galleryAxZmThumbSlider" is enabled; for full list of options see under: /axZm/extensions/axZmThumbSlider/ or http://www.ajax-zoom.com/axZm/extensions/axZmThumbSlider/
thumbW50Gallery thumb image width; Please note that in many examples, e.g. when "galleryAxZmThumbSlider" is enabled, the final thumbnail width and height are determined by css set over "galleryAxZmThumbSliderParam"
thumbH80Gallery thumb image height
thumbRetinatrueDouble resolution of the thumb image
qualityThumb100Jpeg quality of the gallery thumbs
quality90Jpeg quality of the preview image
qualityZoom80Jpeg quality of the zoom image shown in the flyout window
images{} Object containing absolute paths to the master images, optional with titles. Start with 1, not 0. Your master image "img" can be as big as you want, it never loads into cache You can also protect the directory with .htaccess or other http access restrictions.
		images: {
			1: {
				img: "/pic/fashion_001.jpg", 
				title: "Test Title 1"
			2: {
				img: "/pic/fashion_002.jpg", 
				title: "Test Title 2"
			3: {
				img: "/pic/fashion_003.jpg", 
				title: "Test Title 3"
Alternatively you can link to your static images with these keys:

  • "zoom" - big mouseover image
  • "preview" - preview image
  • "thumb" - image for the gallery
  • "img" - your master image is needed anyway to open AJAX-ZOOM on click; this image can be in a directory with restricted access over http;
  • "title" - optional title

So the images object would look like this:
		images: {
			1: {
				zoom: "/cache/fashion_001_1200x1200.jpg",
				preview: "/cache/fashion_001_350x400.jpg",
				thumb: "/cache/fashion_001_80x100.jpg"
				img: "/pic/fashion_001.jpg", 
				title: "Test Title 1"
			2: {
				zoom: "/cache/fashion_002_1200x1200.jpg",
				preview: "/cache/fashion_002_350x400.jpg",
				thumb: "/cache/fashion_002_80x100.jpg",
				img: "/pic/fashion_002.jpg", 
				title: "Test Title 2"
			3: {
				zoom: "/cache/fashion_003_1200x1200.jpg",
				preview: "/cache/fashion_003_350x400.jpg",
				thumb: "/cache/fashion_003_80x100.jpg",
				img: "/pic/fashion_003.jpg", 
				title: "Test Title 3"
In case "zoom", "preview" and "thumb" are not defined, AJAX-ZOOM will generate these images out of "img" instantly on-the-fly.

"images" option can be also of type array, e.g.
			images: [
				{	img: "/pic/fashion_001.jpg", 
					title: "Test Title 1"
				{	img: "/pic/fashion_002.jpg", 
					title: "Test Title 2"
				{	img: "/pic/fashion_003.jpg", 
					title: "Test Title 3"
firstImageToLoad1Image from "images" option which should be loaded at first; see also "images360firstToLoad" option below
disableAllMsgfalse AJAX-ZOOM produces some notifications within the player telling that image tiles or other files are generating and returns the result. This happens only when an image or 360 images are opened for the first time. This is also the reason why preloading is slow at first. With this switch you can disable these notifications in the front office.
images360{} Object or an array with paths to the folders which contain 360 degree images; mostly you would want to add only one 360 spin but the "images360" object can contain as many as you like;
		images360: {
			1: {
				path: "/pic/zoom3d/Uvex_Occhiali", 
				position: "first"
Other possible keys are:

  • "thumb" - direct link to thumb image displayed in the gallery. In case "thumb" is not present AJAX-ZOOM will internally request first image of your 360 and generate the thumb. You can disable this by setting "images360Thumb" option below to false so you will only get a 360 degree icon which is ok too.
  • "thumbImg" - instead of "thumb" you can also directly link to an image under "path" out of which AJAX-ZOOM will generate the gallery thumb
  • "title" - optional title
  • "hotspotFilePath" - optional path to the file which contains data for hotspots. For more information see example33.php
  • "spinReverse" - reverse the direction of the spin
  • "spinDemoTime" - time in ms during which AJAX-ZOOM will make one turn
  • "anyThingElse..." - any other key
images360firstToLoadfalseIn case present load 360 from "images360" first and not an image from "images"
images360ThumbtrueShow first image of the spin as thumb
images360Overlaytrue Add a div with class "spinOverlImg" or "spinOverl" over the gallery thumb. On default it has a 360 icon as background.
images360PreviewtrueNormally plain images are opened in some kind of lightbox or fullscreen; By setting this option to true the 360's will load into "divID" at first and can be expanded to responsive fancybox or fullscreen.
images360PreviewResponsivetrueThis option is set to true for convinience reasons; In case your "divID" has fixed width and height, set $zoom['config']['picDim'] option in '/axZm/zoomConfigCustom.inc.php' after elseif ($_GET['example'] == 'mouseOverExtension360'){
images360examplePreview'mouseOverExtension360' In case "images360Preview" is set to true, the value of this parameter will be sent to AJAX-ZOOM as "options set" (example=mouseOverExtension360)
zoomMsg360'long string' or object Message displayed under mouse over zoom when 360 is loaded, default: 'Drag to spin 360°, scroll to zoom in and out, right click and drag to pan'. Can be Javascript object e.g. {"en": "text english...", "de": "text german...", "fr":"text french..."}
zoomMsg360_touch'long string' or object Ver. 4.1.1+ Message displayed under mouse over zoom when 360 is loaded on touch devices, default: 'Drag to spin 360°, pinch to zoom in and out'. Can be Javascript object e.g. {"en": "text english...", "de": "text german...", "fr":"text french..."}
preloadMouseOverImagesfalsePreload all preview and mouseover images, possible values: false, true, 'oneByOne'
noImageAvailableClass'axZm_mouseOverNoImage' In case there are no images in "images", nor there are any in "images360", a div with some image as background can be appended to the container and receive this options value as css class
width'auto' Width of the preview image or 'auto' (depending on parent container size - "divID", see above); this is also the value which will be passed to your AJAX-ZOOM imaging server to generate this image on-the-fly. If width or height are set to "auto" and "responsive" feature is enabled, both width and height of the preview image are set to 50% of the value taken from "mouseOverZoomWidth", so on default it is 600px;
height'auto' Height of the preview image or 'auto' (depending on parent container size - "divID", see above); this is also the value which will be passed to your AJAX-ZOOM imaging server to generate this image on-the-fly. If width or height are set to "auto" and "responsive" feature is enabled, both width and height of the preview image are set to 50% of the value taken from "mouseOverZoomWidth", so on default it is 600px;
responsivetrueSet this to true for responsive layouts
oneSrcImgfalseUse single image as "preview image" - the image which is hovered and the big "flyout image".
heightRatio1.0 If "responsive" option is enabled, "heightRatio" with instantly adjust the height of mouseover container depending on width calculated by the browser, e.g. 1.0 will always (only limited by "maxSizePrc" option) make height same as width; a value of 1.5 will make the preview like a portrait. You can also set "heightRatio" to 'auto'. In this case the height will be adjusted to cover available space instantly! Please note that when your images are not always same proportion, then the container will also change the size when the user switches to a different image.
heightMaxWidthRatio[]Similar as you would set max-width: someValue @media only screen condition you can define "heightRatio" depending on the width of the browser, e.g. ["960|0.8", "700|0.7"]
widthRatiofalseOpposit of "heightRatio"
widthMaxHeightRatiofalseOpposit of "heightMaxWidthRatio"
maxSizePrc1.0 Limit the height if "responsive" and "heightRatio" options are set. Setting "heightRatio" option may result in that the height of the mouseover zoom is bigger than window height and the image is not fully visible. To prevent this you can limit the calculated height with this "maxSizePrc" option. The value of 1.0 would limit the height to 100% of window height; a value of 0.8 to 80% of window height; you can also define two values, e.g. '1.0|-120' which would be window height minus 120px.
mouseOverZoomWidth1200 Max width of the image that will be shown in the zoom window; this is the value which will be passed to your AJAX-ZOOM imaging server to generate this image on-the-fly. Please note that the size is limited by $zoom['config']['allowDynamicThumbsMaxSize'] which is can be set in '/axZm/zoomConfig.inc.php'. You can also specify a link to the image, see "images" option above. To set the width of the fly out window see "zoomWidth" under "mouseOverZoomParam".
mouseOverZoomHeight1200 Max height of the image that will be shown in the zoom window; this is the value which will be passed to your AJAX-ZOOM imaging server to generate this image on-the-fly. Please note that the size is limited by $zoom['config']['allowDynamicThumbsMaxSize'] which is can be set in '/axZm/zoomConfig.inc.php'. You can also specify a link to the image, see "images" option above. To set the height of the fly out window see "zoomHeight" under "mouseOverZoomParam".
ajaxZoomOpenMode'fancyboxFullscreen' Determines how AJAX-ZOOM is opened when the user clicks on preview images / lens, possible values: 'fullscreen' (see also "fullScreenApi" option below), 'fancyboxFullscreen', 'fancybox', 'colorbox'; By editing $.mouseOverZoomInit you can extend the plugin to be used with different types of modal boxes to load AJAX-ZOOM into.
fancyBoxParam{} If fancybox is used in "ajaxZoomOpenMode" option, Fancybox "prefixed" options

			boxMargin: 0,
			boxPadding: 10,
			boxCenterOnScroll: true,
			boxOverlayShow: true,
			boxOverlayOpacity: 0.75,
			boxOverlayColor: "#777",
			boxTransitionIn: "fade", // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none'
			boxTransitionOut: "fade", // 'elastic', 'fade' or 'none'
			boxSpeedIn: 300,
			boxSpeedOut: 300,
			boxEasingIn: "swing",
			boxEasingOut: "swing",
			boxShowCloseButton: true, 
			boxEnableEscapeButton: true,
			boxOnComplete: function(){},
			boxTitleShow: false,
			boxTitlePosition: "float", // 'float', 'outside', 'inside' or 'over'
			boxTitleFormat: null
colorBoxParam{} If colorbox is used in "ajaxZoomOpenMode" option, Colorbox options

			transition: "elastic",
			speed: 300,
			scrolling: true,
			title: true,
			opacity: 0.9,
			className: false,
			current: "image {current} of {total}",
			previous: "previous",
			next: "next",
			close: "close",
			onOpen: false,
			onLoad: false,
			onComplete: false,
			onClosed: false,
			overlayClose: true,
			escKey: true
example'mouseOverExtension'Configuration set which is passed to ajax-zoom when ajaxZoomOpenMode is 'fullscreen'
exampleFancyboxFullscreen'mouseOverExtension'Configuration set which is passed to ajax-zoom when ajaxZoomOpenMode is 'fancyboxFullscreen'
exampleFancybox'modal'Configuration set which is passed to ajax-zoom when ajaxZoomOpenMode is 'fancybox'
exampleColorbox'modal'Configuration set which is passed to ajax-zoom when ajaxZoomOpenMode is 'colorbox'
enforceFullScreenRes768 Ver. 4.1.1 Enforce "ajaxZoomOpenMode" to be "fullscreen" if screen width is less than this value
prevNextArrowsfalse Ver. 4.1.1 Put prev / next buttons over mouseover zoom. CSS: .axZm_mouseOverPrevNextArrows
disableScrollAnmtrueDisable animation while zooming with AJAX-ZOOM
fullScreenApifalseTry to open AJAX-ZOOM at browsers fullscreen mode, possible on modern browsers except IE < 10 and mobile
axZmCallBacks{}AJAX-ZOOM has several callbacks, http://www.ajax-zoom.com/index.php?cid=docs#onBeforeStart
azOptions{}Some AJAX-ZOOM options can be set with JS when AJAX-ZOOM is inited. Normally you would be defining them in /axZm/zoomConfig.inc.php or /axZm/zoomConfigCustom.inc.php; This option is for convenience reasons and modules for diverse ecommerce systems where this example will be implemented into where most of configuration can be made in the back office. Example: {fullScreenCornerButton: false} - this would disable the button for fullscreen
azOptions360{}Same as above but specifically for 360/3D
postModetrueVer. 4.1.1+ Set AJAX-ZOOM to use POST instead of GET
pinterest{}Settings for pinterest button, see below:
enabledfalseExperimental feature - enable Pinterest button. Pinterest allows collecting visual bookmarks in the form of images collected on the internet.
build'parsePinBtns'Since images are changed the button needs to be repainted [...] In order to accomplish this Pinterest API should be exposed to window object. This is done by setting data-pin-build attribute value in the script tag when pinterest JavaScript is included.
					<script data-pin-build="parsePinBtns" type="text/javascript" src="//assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js"></script>
So if you do not have the data-pin-build, please add it to the script tag and if it is different from default ('parsePinBtns'), then change this "build" value. Otherwise the pinterest button will not work.
wrapClass'axZm_mouseOverPinterest' This is the class of the container where the button will be put into. On default it is at bottom right. To place the button somewhere else you can either change the css of the default class or define a different class.
href//en.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/href attribute before the button is build.
descriptionnullPage title if null
urlnullWill be set instantly if null
medianullWill be set to current selected image if null
btnSrc//assets.pinterest.com/images/pidgets/pinit_fg_en_rect_gray_20.pngSource for the button
data{} Data attributes attached to the button before it is built. See pinterest API...
mouseOverZoomParam{}JS object containing specific options to this mouseover zoom, see below:
position'right'Position of the flyout zoom window, possible values: 'inside', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'
posAutoInside150 applies when width (left, right) or height (top, bottom) of zoom window are less than this px value (zoomWidth || zoomHeight are set to auto); if zoomWidth || zoomHeight are fixed, applies when zoom window is out of page border
posInsideArea0.2 When "posAutoInside" is enabled and inner zoom fires or "position" option is set to 'inside' right away - there is no lens. However you will notice that the reaction to mouse movements occur somewhere in the middle of the image; at the edges mostly nothing happens in similar scripts. With this option you can adjust how far from the edge mouse movements should be captured. The range is between 0 and 0.5;
touchScroll0.8 Ver. 4.1.1+ If width of the mouseover zoom container is more than 80% (0.8) of the window width, then for touch devises the inner zoom will be not triggered and the user can scroll down. Click for open AJAX-ZOOM remains. Set this value to 0 if you want to enable the slider for touch devices only.
noMouseOverZoomfalse Ver. 4.1.1+ Disable mouseover zoom completely for touch and none touch devices. If you want to disable it only for touch devices, set "touchScroll" option above to 0
autoFlip120Flip right to left and bottom to top if less than int px value or false to disable
biggestSpacefalse Overrides position option and instantly chooses the direction, disables autoFlip; plays nicely when zoomWidth and zoomHeight are set to 'auto'
zoomFullSpacefalse Uses full screen height (does not align to the map / disables adjustY) if position is right or left || uses full screen width (does not align to the map / disables adjustX) if position is top or bottom
zoomWidth'auto' Width of the zoom window e.g. 540 or 'auto' or jQuery selector|correction value, e.g. '#refWidthTest|+20'; so if you want to have a width of the zoom window same as for example a responsive container to the right (so it is fully covered) and max possible height, then define the id of this container to the right, e.g. 'myArticleData', set "zoomWidth" to '#myArticleData|+10' and "zoomHeight" to 'auto'. New in Ver. b4: if you have a three column design and want to cover both containers to the right, then just define both containers in the jQuery selector, e.g. '.pb-center-column,.pb-right-column|+20'; the margin between the containers is not taken into account but you can adjust the result with the second value after vertical bar.
zoomHeight'auto' Height of the zoom window e.g. 375, or 'auto' or jQuery selector|correction value, e.g. '#refWidthTest|+20'; New in Ver. b4: If your selector matches more than one element, e.g. '.pb-center-column,.pb-right-column|+20', then the highest value will be chosen. This is different from the multiple selector in "zoomWidth", where the values are added.
autoMargin15If zoomWidth or zoomHeight are set to 'auto', the margin to the edge of the screen
adjustX15Horizontal margin of the zoom window
adjustY-1Vertical margin of the zoom window
lensOpacity1.0Opacity of the selector lens
lensStyle{}Quickly override css of the lens
lensClassfalseSet css class for the lens
zoomAreaBorderWidth1Border thickness of the zoom window
galleryFade300Speed of inner fade or false
shutterSpeed150Speed of shutter fadein or false; applies only if image proportions are different from container
showFade300Speed of fade in for mouse over
hideFade300Speed of fade out for mouse over
flyOutSpeedfalseSpeed for flyout or false to disable
flyOutTransition'linear'Transition of the flyout
flyOutOpacity0.6Initial opacity for flyout
flyBackSpeedfalseSpeed for fly back or false to disable
flyBackTransition'linear'Transition type of the fly back
flyBackOpacity0.2Final opacity of fly back
autoScrollfalseScroll page when clicked on the thumb and the mouse over preview image is not fully visible
smoothMove2Integer bigger than 1 indicates smoother movements; set 0 to disable
tintfalseColor value around the lens or false
tintOpacity0.3Opacity of the area around the lens when "tint" option is set to some color value
tintFilterfalse Apply filter to the image, e.g. "blur", "grayscale", "sepia", "invert", "saturate"; see also .axZm_mouseOverEffect>img CSS
tintLensBacktrueShow background image in the lens
showTitlefalseEnable / disable title on zoom window
titleOpacity0.5Opacity of the title container
titlePosition'top'Position of the title, top or bottom
cursorPositionX0.5Cursor over lens horizontal offset, 0.5 is middle
cursorPositionY0.55Cursor over lens vertical offset, 0.5 is middle
touchClickAbort500Time in ms after which click is aborted without touch movement and mousehover is initialized
loadingtrueDisplay loading information, CSS .mouseOverLoading
loadingMessage'Loading...'Loading message, not needed, can be just the spinner - see below
loadingWidth90Width of loading container
loadingHeight20Height of loading container
loadingOpacity1.0 Opacity of the loading container (the transparent background is set via png image on default, see css class)
zoomHintEnabletrue Enable zoom icon which disappears on mouse hover; css class: .axZm_mouseOverZoomHint; If you want to change the position or the icon simply change the css class;
zoomHintText'Zoom'Text which will be appended next to the icon enabled by "zoomHintEnable"; can be Javascript object e.g. {"en": "text english...", "de": "text german...", "fr":"text french..."}
zoomMsgHoverfalseMessage which can appear under the mouse over zoom, css class: .axZm_mouseOverZoomMsg; can be Javascript object e.g. {"en": "text english...", "de": "text german...", "fr":"text french..."}
zoomMsgClickfalseMessage which can appear under the mouse over zoom when the mouse enters it; can be Javascript object e.g. {"en": "text english...", "de": "text german...", "fr":"text french..."}
slideInTime200Ver. 4.1.1+ Slide in time if "noMouseOverZoom" is enabled or "touchScroll" option enables for touch devices
slideInEasingCSS3'easeOutExpo'Ver. 4.1.1+ jQuery equivalent of easing or own function (string), e.g. 'cubic-bezier(0.21,0.51,0.4,2.02)', see also cubic-bezier.com
slideInEasing'easeOutExpo'Ver. 4.1.1+ jQuery easing function for sliding in (fallback if CSS3 animation is not supported)
slideInScale0.8Ver. 4.1.1+ Scale initial size (goes to 1.0 while animation)
slideOutScale0.8Ver. 4.1.1+ Scale slideout size
slideOutOpacity0.5Ver. 4.1.1+ Slideout opacity
slideOutDest1Ver. 4.1.1+ Target slideout position, possible values: 1, 2 or 3
onInitnullCallback function
onLoadnullCallback function
onImageChangenullCallback function
onMouseOvernullCallback function
onMouseOutnullCallback function
spinnertrueUse ajax loading spinner without gif files etc
spinnerParam{} Spinner options, for more info see: http://fgnass.github.com/spin.js/

				spinnerParam: { 
					lines: 11, // The number of lines to draw
					length: 3, // The length of each line
					width: 3, // The line thickness
					radius: 4, // The radius of the inner circle
					corners: 1, // Corner roundness (0..1)
					rotate: 0, // The rotation offset
					color: "#FFFFFF", // #rgb or #rrggbb
					speed: 1, // Rounds per second
					trail: 90, // Afterglow percentage
					shadow: false, // Whether to render a shadow
					hwaccel: false, // Whether to use hardware acceleration
					className: "spinner", // The CSS class to assign to the spinner
					zIndex: 2e9, // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000)
					top: 0, // Top position relative to parent in px
					left: 1 // Left position relative to parent in px
Documentation last updated: 2015-10-06