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Special image zoom

!important most likely, to 99.5% particularly this is not what you are looking for! Do not use this example unless you understand why it is different and decide that you need it: in this example AJAX-ZOOM crops a portion of the image directly from the original image or it stitches image tiles and crops them before sending the zoom as one image to the browser; in all other examples only the image tiles are loaded and the server does not have to perform this "heavy" work.

Previous imageStart diashowNext image
Pan toolZoom rectangle toolZoom outZoom in
Move to the leftMove upMove downMove to the right
Reset to initial size
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With some additional configurations this example offers probably the best protection of your original image available on the market, even suitable for stock image companies aiming to sell their images. It is however not the best solution for online shops, companies which just want to present some high resolution images and the like. For these purposes please use any other examples / options sets.

If you need to crop out of the source image or just get the coordinates to crop it manually e.g. from gigapix image for printing later, please see example10.php; anyway, if you are not sure which example is suitable for you, please ask AJAX-ZOOM team. We will be glad to give you an advice and point you into the right direction...